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Thursday 14 June 2012

Greece will be first to leave the EU - very soon!

Well in March of this year I posted a blog about Greece leaving the Euro, unfortunately I caved in to "anonymous" comments having a go at me claiming I'm a 'conspiracy theorist' and that it wouldn't happen and sadly I erased the blog without saving it.  But you know what, I started this damn blog to get the truth out and to give my opinion on global issues and I'm not deleting any damn opinion of mine again.

As I said back in March and believe even more firmly now, Greece WILL be the first country of the failed 'European Union' to officially leave the EU and it will most likely happen within the next 30 days.  The signs are everywhere, the problem is people are just too distracted and things that really don't matter at all, such as the soccer/football/playoffs/celebrity blah blah blah.  If only people put as much time, effort, energy and attention into the state of our world, then we could fix these issues so quickly.

Greece leaving the EU will cause a chain reaction of events that will not be good.  Once Greece leave the EU this will then cause a domino effect with Portugal and Spain following, most likely in that order.  You see the European Union was planned way back in the 1940's and 1950's.  It's amazing how few people know or even believe this, yet know everything useless statistic about their favourite sports idol.

You must understand that all of this was planned a long time ago, just as it was planned to create the union, it was also planned to end it, bankrupting countries and their sovereignty along the way.  Now that their 'great' plan is starting to come apart (by design), they are putting into place steps to control the collapse and ensure that the people suffer as they and their countries fall.  The funny thing is it is ALL hidden in plain view, why?  Because they know that so few of you actually read or pay attention to the news, so it's a big slap in the face.

The Irish Times newspaper recently published an article about limiting ATM cash withdrawls during and after the collapse.  Why would they do this?  Because once countries start pulling out of the EU, people will only then start to realise that the currency is going to become worthless so they will try and take as much of THEIR money out as they can in order to convert it into anything else they deem valuable.  Why do you think Greek people have recently withdrawn 3 Billion Euros in 10 days?  They can see what's coming.

With all of this going on, the European Union are openly planning a police state lockdown when it all happens.  Sounds quite reminiscent of WW2 with martial law, military on the streets, checkpoints, severe surveillance, ID cards, you name it - it is all coming and more.

Why do you think there is such a push for a cashless society which would allow the supreme rulers (bankers) total control of our money. Sweden may be the first cashless society in the world based on several reports.

I could go on, but basically, be warned.  Turn the damn TV off, be aware, understand that the world we're all living in today has been purposely designed that way, in a way to keep us occupied, busy, entertained and distracted with mundane things so that the roadmap for the literal future of humanity can be laid out without anyone being none the wiser.

This blog will NOT be deleted by me.  Do your research and pay attention at what is happening and most importantly, question everything, it's not a sin to ask questions!

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