For many years, people like Gerald Celente of as well as Max Keiser of as well as Alex Jones of have been warning of draconian measures that banks will eventually take on their clients. Well finally, unfortunately it has happened.
Cyprus, a blip on the map, a country that most people could not even find on the map, a member of the Euro Zone who’s GDP accounts for only 0.2% of the European Union economy has done exactly what the three gents above as well as many other have been saying for a long time.
In an attempt to "bail out" the banks who started this whole mess, all banks in Cyprus closed from Monday March 18th 2013 and will reopen on Thursday March 21st 2013. These bank runs or bank holidays are being used in order to retrieve a "bailout tax", also known as blatant theft of everyone’s deposit, savings and cheque accounts to the tune of 10%.
Naturally this has caused a panic and every single ATM across the country is jam-packed with queues of people trying to withdraw as much as they can of the fledging currency. ATM's are breaking, people are fighting and there are even reports of firebombing.
Experts have said this has been done on purpose to a small nation to see the reaction and outcome in order to roll it out across the European Union. Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy have already mentioned taking similar of more percentages from everyone as a "bailout tax". This could just be the final straw that sends the Union into meltdown. It's time to wake up, paper currencies backed by nothing apart from a printing press is a bubble that WILL eventually burst. Buy gold and silver whilst your money is still worth something.
Watch this powerful interview of Gerald Celente by Alex Jones that breaks it all down in layman’s terms.
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