For a long time now, there's been an increasing trend among society, a trend which makes people believe that anything outside the realm of their own bubble of life and perceived safety or control, that organisations and governments should take the responsibility.
What does this mean? It means that most people complain about the government, but expect to be taken care by them in retirement, by means of an ongoing pension payment. It means that people have lost the connection between nutrition and health/immunity. They then see it as the responsibility or rather, the role of government and private organisations to step in and magically make everything better.
The sad truth is, if you consciously or inadvertently hand over your own personal responsibility for health, wealth and security or privacy to a third party, then chances are the new-found power and authority over you and your decision making process will undoubtedly be used against you.
Your health is no different. There appears to be a vast gap opening up between those who understand the connection between good nutrition and a healthy immune system, and those who either do not understand it or are too ignorant to care. How often do we see people putting only premium fuel and oil into their cars, yet stopping off for some fast food in drive-thru on their way home. It seems that people are not understanding the link between the oil (food) they are putting into their own engine and what they then get out of it.
Since first taking an active and genuine interest in my own body and health, I started to look at what I was ingesting or consuming - after all, the fuel I operate on is the very fuel I ingest. Vaccines are no different. First off let me say that in theory, I am not against vaccination. But again, remember that the very notion of vaccination means that I am absolving my personal responsibility to take the necessary steps to maintain my own health, wellness and hygiene. This means that a third party is now responsible.
This third party is usually a global pharmaceutical company, usually listed on the stock market. We all know that as soon as any company floats on the stock market, their primary objectives and company values change, even if it's not admitted. Any company on the stock market has one collective primary goal, to return a profit to the shareholders. Immediately, this alone should send you running. If it does not then you should also understand that offering cures of any kind is not good business practice at all. Business survives and operates on cash-flow, cash-flow requires ongoing and repeat customers and if you're a pharmaceutical company, then your customers are either those who are ill or those that want to 'protect themselves' and boost their immunity. Either through lack of correct information, ignorance, false belief or propaganda or hysteria, the vaccine industry is not declining, but actually thriving. Isn't this telling you something? If these companies are truly in the business of curing people, wouldn't the number of vaccines being administered every year decline?
But who wants to invest in a declining company, with negative growth and no profit? TBC
MAJOR UPDATE (June 3, 2014): Flu Vaccine tested for heavy metals, finds 25,000 times higher mercury level than EPA limit for water. Flu shot insert admits no scientific evidence that it's safe or that it works. Never tested in clinical trials. Admits serious adverse effects like Guillian-Barre syndrome. 100% irrefutable proof from the lab