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Friday, 3 February 2012

The best of Alex Jones (Feb 2012)

This section is all about Alex Jones.  His daily shows run for 3 hours, yes 3 hours.  Whilst posting each daily show in full would be great, I know that majority of you won't and can't sit down for 3 hours each day to watch/listen to his show. 

So what I am doing is taking about 10 minutes of his "finest" moments from as many shows as I can and posting them on here.  Why? Well, there was a time when I never heard of him either. The first time I saw him going bezerk I laughed because I thought it was all fun and part of his act, this "entertainment" made me want to watch him more.  Then the more I watched I actually began to LISTEN to what he was saying and it sounded ridiculous.  I did my own research on things he spoke about and sure enough, it was all true, with information publicly available.

He's real, not scripted, no teleprompter, not prim and proper, if something upsets him you'll know about it.  So I figure, I can introduce others to his show the same way I was, by editing and showing his "entertaining, crazy moments"....... well, here they are.  Remember, look up everything he says, it's all true!  Hope you enjoy...

Feb 1, 2012  
Feb 2, 2012  
Feb 3, 2012  
Feb 5, 2012 - Superbowl Sunday  
Feb 6, 2012  
Feb 7, 2012 - False Flag Warning  
Feb 8, 2012  
Feb 9, 2012
Feb 10, 2012
Feb 12, 2012 - U.N. Agenda 21
Feb 13, 2012
Feb 14, 2012
Feb 15, 2012
Feb 16, 2012
Feb 17, 2012
Feb 19, 2012
Feb 20, 2012
Feb 21, 2012 - Judge Napolitano fired for speaking the truth
Feb 22, 2012
Feb 23, 2012
Feb 24, 2012
Feb 26, 2012
Feb 27, 2012
Feb 28, 2012
Feb 29, 2012

Thursday, 2 February 2012

The dangers of Aspartame, chances are you're consuming it.

Do you drink soft drinks, chew gum, eat breath mints, what about chocolate and sweets?  If you answered yes to any of these then chances are that you are consuming toxic Aspartame.  For over 10 years the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in America kept knocking back the use of this deadly toxin (artificial sweetner) in foods and drinks - sometime they get it right.  But for some unknown reason, after almost fifteen years of lobbying, the FDA passed the use of Aspartame in 1974 and since then it has flooded the market and majority of the different brands of the products mentioned above.

Watch this short, interesting and educational report on the hidden truths about Aspartame and please, rethink what you put into your precious body.

Watch the report now!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

How a Dr. cured a terminal MS illness with food

This is a true story.  Stop believing that the answer to all of your illnesses is visiting the doctor and them having a "magic pill" for everything.  All that does is empty your pockets through more medicine, more medical visits and an ongoing requirement to continually purchase more of the pills.  Isn't is more logical to spend all of that money on good, proper wholesome foods which will be far more affective?  After all, most pills and "medicines" are made from plant derived minerals and nutrients anyway (assuming they're not synthethically made in a lab like illicit drugs).  Doesn't it make far more sense to get all of those vitamins and nutrients directly from the food itself?
Watch the story now!